Sunday, July 6, 2008

Compiled table for the isolated neutron star data, comparing results in the standard, soft, and hard x-ray regimes from visually identifying events and getting counts with dmextract, and using celldetect. Events are mostly much stronger in the softer xrays, and only are detected once (6701) in the hard xray. 
 Generally celldetect corresponded well with visual results, and the counts extracted with dmextract, with a few deviations: in the standard and soft xray regimes of 6696, 6701, 6703, 6705 (I'm not sure offhand which event these folders correspond to, I will check) there appeared events (with relatively lower counts) that weren't detected with the thread. 
Playing around with some of the parameters of celldetect, namely in for this case the signal to noise threshold from the default value of 3 to 2, has more success- however I'm concerned that this would introduce more invalid source detection from the hot pixel cosmic ray issues;
will look more into those issues, and how present these errors may be- superficial reading of the help manual makes me think that the standard data processing that has already been applied would be sufficient.. 
Also found that celldetect in a few instances returned "events" whose positions were off the data's field. Confirmed that celldetect returns these same positions a second time. Not sure what that is about..

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