Sunday, August 17, 2008

Looked at the positions of the chandra sources in SDSS. The results for 0932+027 are:

143.0399 36.50026: This is the image of the source that matched the flux estimate from RASS,however it is classified as a galaxy in SDSS- not sure how accurate that is, but I'm guessing that means we are looking at a galaxy. Its spectra looks like:

It's u=19.19 and g=17.72-
(We have log fx/fv = log fx + mv/2.5 + 5.47, but what exactly should I do as we only have u and g, also, does the median log(fx/fg) (-0.23) and 2sigma (-1.72 to +1.26) range derived from the DA set apply to DB's, or are these two DB's the way that this will be tested...?... also do )
(also, looks as though these are absorption lines to me, wouldn't a QSO be showing emission lines?)

Also this has already been cataloged, cross identified with ROSAT, with values of cps 0.04776 and HR1=-.61 and HR2 as -1. This is ~3 times the RASS count rate associated with our source, so again it appears to not to be the little guy.

The next image is at 142.80575 36.378942, closest in proximity to the given position of the WD, which I initially thought was a less probable candidate for a match because of it's low flux compared to the PIMMs estimate (see below), but now I'm not sure...

It is also identified as a GALAXY, with no spectroscopic information, and a u value of 22.57 and a g value of 21.89, u-g=.68 (again not sure how accurate the type specification is, not what we exactly I am expection to see for u-g).... If it is a galaxy, it is probably not a DB white dwarf (deep thoughts).

The next proximate match after these two is at 142.67369 36.56530948, and looks like this:

Also catogorized as a GALAXY, u=19.44 g=19.08, u-g=.36. Specta looked as follows:

I'm not quite sure what conclusions to draw from looking at spectra, looks like emission lines, which would also indicate a QSO- I know we are looking for a black body with lines indicating helium, but I'm not sure if these spectra are normalized in some way (this is probably very obvious but I'm not very used to interpreting spectra...) Also, this is kindof irrelevent if this is a galaxy, again.

The last two chandra sources didn't see any objects within 2 arcseconds, and manually looking around the area, the closest sources were catogorized as galaxies.....

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