Friday, August 22, 2008

For G16.7, not sure what energy range I should be looking at, I am starting with .5-8 KeV for the exercise...

Tried detection methods,vtpdetect and wavdetect (as well as celldetect), on the data near the SNR to see if the detection was more accurate due to the extended nature of the source. Both methods over counted the number of sources, calling large regions "sources" that visually didn't look to be, and not defining regions of that were obviously sources. Decided to find peaks flux by hand, several ways, first smoothing the data with a Gaussian to find center. I called the peaks of flux the locations of the sources on the chip on which the SNR was detected, to compare to other catalogs.

Is it ok to just stick to the sources closer to the pointing acis? there are many other sources on the outer chips but I thought that these aren't candidates for the neutron star, or anything related to this system.

Extracted positions of sources on the chip and am in the process of comparing them to other catalogs

1 comment:

magueros said...

Hey Emily--to answer your question re. the astrometry, there's no reason to worry about sources off of the chip that's got the SNR on it. We know the accuracy gets worse as we get farther off axis, for one, and for two what we really care about is the identification of the neutron star and of other X-ray sources near the SNR.