Thursday, September 18, 2008

The colors of the sources close to the SNR are:

275.23312 -14.32476 (the further source)

closest source was 2.039001" away , at RA: 275.233684, DEC: -14.324909, with theses colors: j_mag:12.093, h_m: 11.612, k_mag: 11.402, and j-h=0.4810, h-k=0.2100, j-k=0.6910
errors were: j_msigcom:0.023, j_snr:323.8, h_msigcom:0.028, h_snr: 94.2,k_msigcom: 0.030, k_snr: 91.3- snr's are insanely high, unfortunately, not sure if this debunks any of this....
FLAGS: ph_qual: AAA, rd_flg:222, bl_flg: 111, cc_flg:000

closest source was 2.052775", at RA: 275.233659, DEC:-14.324989, with these colors, b1_mag: 15.48, r1_mag: 13.54,
errors: e_ra: 82, e_dec:69, there were no flags

For 275.23763 -14.33405 (the source closer, to the right side of the snr flux peak),
In the IR:

There were two sources found within a radius of 5"
The closest was 1.079200" away, RA: 275.237796, DEC: -14.334303, with these colors: j_mag:16.008, h_m: 14.235, k_mag: 12.635, j-h=1.7730, h-k=1.600, j-k=3.37300
errors were: j_msigcom:0.096, j_snr:8.8, h_msigcom:0.075, h_snr: 8.4, k_msigcom: null, k_snr: null
FLAGS: ph_qual: BBU, rd_flg:220, bl_flg: 110, cc_flg:0c0

No optical counterpart

At the SNR peak, 275.24215 -14.33351, though no IR counterpart, there was an optical counterpart, with these properties:
b1_mag: null, r1_mag:18.83,
errors: e_ra: 10, e_dec:999, no flags.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Got the positions of the outlying sources for G16.7.
Compared the positions of the sources on the central chip with 2mass. Of the 9 sources detected on the chip, 7 had possible matches in the IR within 5 arcseconds; they all had possible matches within 9 arcseconds.
Outlined visually the positions of the chandra sources for 0931 and 1532, centered on the RASS source position, with the correct log(fx/fopt), and the offsets calculated from the RASS source.

It seems that in both cases the ROSAT source was probably not detected. The sources located closest to the expected RASS position are discussed below:

For 0931:
The RASS position is 142.829998,36.3730554
The WD position is 142.84526595, 36.36928494
RASS-WD offset: .7760754592'

The closest source to the RASS source position is located at 142.8057, 36.378942, at a distance of 1.2219', and a distance of 1.997426' from the WD. It has a u magnitude of 22.57+/-0.53, a g magnitude of 21.89+/-0.10, and thus a u-g value of .68, or with errors, between .25-1.11. It's log(f_x/f_opt)=.873428. Though it is the closest source detected, and perhaps at a plausible distance, it seems unlikely that it is in fact the ROSAT source because its chandra count rate of 5.8e-3, is much lower than the predicted chandra count rate of the RASS source, of 3.678e-2-1.559e-1.
The SDSS match to the chandra source, J093113.37+362244.0, objid: 587735240642789732, was offset from the chandra source position by 0.17028447"

For 1532,
The RASS position is 233.098415 47.446660
WD position is 233.10621952, 47.45025013
WD-RASS offset: 0.3829797676'

The closest source to the RASS position was at 233.1842, 47.401489, a distance of 4.412', and 4.3119980'away from the WD. It's u magnitude is 21.97+/-0.20, it's g magnitude was 21.03+/-0.03, and thus the u-g was .94, or somewhere in .77-1.11 when accounting for errors. The log(f_x/f_opt)=0.84207. It seems an unlikley RASS counterpart not only because of it's large distance, but also because its chandra count rate of 1.67e-2 was less than the predicted flux of the RASS source, 2.956e-2-1.092e-1.
Its optical counterpart, J153244.22+472405.2, objld: 587733442656731241, was offset from the chandra source by .17425710".

Friday, September 5, 2008

It looks to me as though, due to the difference in fluxes and pretty high positional offsets, that for both 0931 and 1532, the RASS source was not detected with chandra, even when recalculating the expected counts accounting for RASS errors in counts.

For 0931+3622 and 1532+4724

Compiled a visual of the chandra sources relative to the WD, with offset, u-g values, log(f_x/f_opt) [log(f_x/f_opt)=f_x+m_v/2.5+5.47, cts, and expected count range.

Got estimates for counts from Webpimms again, this time accounting for the uncertainty in ROSAT counts. Results were as follows:

0931: n_H=1.42E+20 (.009-.025cps)
.06KeV: I-2.106e-3
.1KeV: I-1.151e-2

.06KeV: I-5.850e-3
.1KeV: I-3.198e-2

So counts should be in a range for the I array of (2.106e-3 - 3.198e-2) and for S array of (3.678e-2 - 1.559e-1)

1532: n_H=1.7 (.007-.017cps)

.06KeV: I-1.831e-3
.1KeV: I-9.543e-3
.06KeV: I-4.447e-3
.1KeV: I-2.318e-3

So for the I array the cps should be within (1.831e-3 - 2.318e-3) and for the S array within (2.956e-3 - 1.092e-1)
275.23312 -14.32476.

With USNO B1.0 with gator;
Distance: 2.052775"
RA: 275.233659, DEC:-14.324989, e_ra: 82, e_dec:69, b1_mag: 15.48, r1_mag: 13.54, no flags.

With USNO B1.0 with "Integrated Image and Catalog Archive Service"

With USNO A2.0:

Visual from DSS survey:

With 2Mass with Gator:
One source was found within 5" of the chandra source, at a distance of 2.039001:
RA: 275.233684, DEC: -14.324909, err_maj: 0.06, err_min: 0.06, err-ang: 90, j_mag:12.093, j_msigcom:0.023, j_snr:323.8, h_m: 11.612, h_msigcom:0.028, h_snr: 94.2, k_mag: 11.402, k_msigcom: 0.030, k_snr: 91.3, FLAGS: ph_qual: AAA, rd_flg:222, bl_flg: 111, cc_flg:000, j-h=0.4810, h-k=0.2100, j-k=0.6910

I think there is defiantly evidence of a matching source in the optical and infrared here, so not the pulsar...
275.23763 -14.33405:

USNO B1.0 with Gator:
No sources were found within 5".

USNO B1.0 with "Integrated Image and Catalog Archive Service":
again, just for the visual, not much info here:

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USNO A2.0 with same archive as above:

With DSS (just visual, no information)

2Mass with Gator:
2 sources were found within 5":
The closest was at a distance of 1.079200
RA: 275.237796, DEC: -14.334303, err_maj: 0.08, err_min: 0.08, err-ang: 90, j_mag:16.008, j_msigcom:0.096, j_snr:8.8, h_m: 14.235, h_msigcom:0.075, h_snr: 8.4, k_mag: 12.635, k_msigcom: null, k_snr:null, FLAGS: ph_qual: BBU, rd_flg:220, bl_flg: 110, cc_flg:0c0, j-h=1.7730, h-k=--, j-k=--

The farther was a distance of 3.970672
RA: 275.237272, DEC: -14.333003, err_maj: 0.07, err_min: 0.06, err-ang: 4, j_mag:15.931, j_msigcom:0.094, j_snr:9.4, h_m: 13.073, h_msigcom:0.064, h_snr: 24.5, k_mag: 11.663, k_msigcom: 0.043, k_snr:71.8, FLAGS: ph_qual: BAA, rd_flg: 222, bl_flg: 111, cc_flg:ccc, j-h=2.8580, h-k=1.4100, j-k=4.2680

There seems consistently to be no source matching the chandra source in the optical surveys for this source (unfortunately, that would be convenient). I'm not sure what to make of the infrared sources, if they are in fact supportive of the pulsar being located here, even if not visible in the optical..?