Thursday, September 18, 2008

The colors of the sources close to the SNR are:

275.23312 -14.32476 (the further source)

closest source was 2.039001" away , at RA: 275.233684, DEC: -14.324909, with theses colors: j_mag:12.093, h_m: 11.612, k_mag: 11.402, and j-h=0.4810, h-k=0.2100, j-k=0.6910
errors were: j_msigcom:0.023, j_snr:323.8, h_msigcom:0.028, h_snr: 94.2,k_msigcom: 0.030, k_snr: 91.3- snr's are insanely high, unfortunately, not sure if this debunks any of this....
FLAGS: ph_qual: AAA, rd_flg:222, bl_flg: 111, cc_flg:000

closest source was 2.052775", at RA: 275.233659, DEC:-14.324989, with these colors, b1_mag: 15.48, r1_mag: 13.54,
errors: e_ra: 82, e_dec:69, there were no flags

For 275.23763 -14.33405 (the source closer, to the right side of the snr flux peak),
In the IR:

There were two sources found within a radius of 5"
The closest was 1.079200" away, RA: 275.237796, DEC: -14.334303, with these colors: j_mag:16.008, h_m: 14.235, k_mag: 12.635, j-h=1.7730, h-k=1.600, j-k=3.37300
errors were: j_msigcom:0.096, j_snr:8.8, h_msigcom:0.075, h_snr: 8.4, k_msigcom: null, k_snr: null
FLAGS: ph_qual: BBU, rd_flg:220, bl_flg: 110, cc_flg:0c0

No optical counterpart

At the SNR peak, 275.24215 -14.33351, though no IR counterpart, there was an optical counterpart, with these properties:
b1_mag: null, r1_mag:18.83,
errors: e_ra: 10, e_dec:999, no flags.

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